Patented frequency resonance technology enhances food cell vitality, providing more effective preservation than commercially available freshness bags.

Quantum Light.Frequency Resonance Freshness Bag

The Core Technology of QBER



Beyond Imagination - Quantum Light Cell Vitality Technology


The electron transfer in animal and plant cells and the synthesis of proteins from amino acids activated by mitochondrial ATP energy are essential processes.

When the electron transfer function within the mitochondria of cells is compromised, an insufficient amount of ATP is generated, leading to aging in animal and plant growth.

Through quantum resonance frequency technology, protein and RNA editing within the mitochondria are strengthened, enhancing the electron transfer signals in animal and plant cells and extending the "vitality" of living organisms.



Patented Technology


Active Frequencies


Sustained Resonance


Physical Antibacterial


Superior to Commercially Available


Extended Freshness


Lock in Freshness


Validation of 5D-MRA Simulated Magnetic Resonance Imaging Scanner

The "Quantum Light Cell Vitality Technology" validated through laboratory before-and-after comparisons.


The Mitochondria is primarily responsible for:

  1. Cell apoptosis and cell proliferation.
  2. Regulation of cellular redox state.
  3. Synthesis of hemoglobin and cholesterol.
  4. Generation of heat to maintain body temperature.

Before-and-after comparison shows a 69% activation of mitochondrial efficiency.



Cellular Molecules

Cells are the fundamental units of life, representing the smallest and self-sustaining entities within living organisms. The human body consists of approximately six trillion cells.

Before-and-after comparison shows an 82% activation of cellular molecular efficiency.



National Chiayi University - Test Report


For Yung Co.,Ltd.- Test Report


Antibacterial Freshness Bags - A Comparison of Advantages and Disadvantages.

The 'Antibacterial Silver Ion Freshness Bag' achieves inhibition of bacterial growth by incorporating silver ions into the bag material. However, its effectiveness is limited to the areas in direct contact with the food, and the preservation effect has a very short duration.


The 'Quantum Light - Resonance Frequency Freshness Bag' is an innovative preservation bag that activates the mitochondria in food cells, extending the shelf life of food by 2-3 times. Mitochondria are crucial organelles in food, and their functionality and activation directly impact the quality and preservation time of food.


This freshness bag not only maintains the original taste and nutritional value of food but also prolongs its storage time, reducing food waste from farm to market by 15%-25%.



'Quantum Light - Cell Vitality Technology' is an advanced food preservation technique that can be applied to various preservation methods such as vegetables, meat, seafood, including refrigeration and vacuum packaging. This technology effectively extends the shelf life of food by 2-3 times, reducing food waste while maintaining freshness and nutritional value. In the field of food preservation, the cellular activity technology of quantum light 'frequency resonance' holds promise for continuous development and application, providing the food industry with more solutions to achieve sustainable development and resource conservation goals!